Modern Absurdities
And the people who are working there that are middle-class people, are expecting to get this bonus. If they do not get it, maybe they won’t be motivated enough to try to help the company turn around and getting the company to turn around and be more profitable is important for all of us.
This is the 21st century but it seems it came way too early for many of our fellow humans. The problem is that several of those backward-looking people are also in position of power and can influence many others. Case in point, the Pope. He says that the scourge of AIDS is bad but condoms are worse! I'm not kidding. On his way to Africa--to enlighten the locals on the benefits of superstition, er, religion--he said, "You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms." So, anything that doesn't solve a problem is not a good idea?! Really? I don't think I have to explain how ridiculous this comment is.
What's with this medieval attitude towards sex? Surely, sex can be irresponsible, but in and by itself is not something bad--we're all here because of sex! I reckon that the church's dislike of sex has to do with the idea of pleasure. Oh, and that the human body is disgusting. Therefore, no sex for pleasure, just for procreation; hence, birth control is bad too. As for condoms--that have proven to be effective in the prevention of many communicable diseases--they are, too, bad!
Most women who get infected by HIV are married; they're infected by their husbands! Condoms you say? Well, not for them, not according to the dogmatic and "infallible" Pope. Here we have a proven method for preventing the spread of AIDS and other venereal diseases, but those who know very little about sex [isn't the Pope celibate?] say that they express God's mind on this issue.
Likewise, the conservatives & their Republican party in the US are against stem cell research. Why? Because the soul can exist in a petri dish--where 2 cells have merged! Yeah, I know, it is absurd. Yet, if we remain engaged in the process we will overcome the objections of those who have fought against Social Security, Medicare, science & education, labor laws, consumer protection, public health care, and electrification. We can't be a modern country with politics & attitudes fit for the Dark Ages. Besides, if we want to maintain our prominence, we have to become more educated, a fairer society, supporting science & technology, and a progressive culture of life.
Speaking of absurdities.. The conservatives have turned into a party of "no." Nothing new to offer, if anything at all. They hope that their best chance is for Obama and the Congressional Dems to fail or be corrupted by power for the GOP to return to relevancy. That might happen, but let's hope that the country doesn't have a short memory syndrome. The huge mess we're experiencing is the result of Republican policies and conservative ideology. It hasn't been only their incompetence that reduced our country by most meaningful measures!
Less than few weeks into his term, the spokespeople of the conservative base have been practicing Big Brother's revision of history. The economy? It's them liberals that started it all by ..forcing the banks to make bad loans! Awwww. Also, while we were attacked on our own soil under the Republican "watch", it's Obama that makes us less safe. That's what tricky Dickey just said.
Here's a good response by a former Republican senator.
Cheney is a jackass!
PS>Did you hear that Dubya is writing an "authoritarian" biography! "I'm going to put people in my place, so when the history of this administration is written at least there's an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened." He said. Even though I hope the earth opens up and swallows Bush & Co, I'll miss him representing the idiots of this country.
*Middle class is anyone who makes less than $5 million a year! That's what McCain said during the campaign. I know, I'm making $4 mil. a year and I'm roughing it...
Aside from the definition of who's in the "middle class," how can a company give bonuses from the money it doesn't have? The US Treasury gave AIG $180 billion to bail it out. I like what some Dems in Congress are proposing: taxing the bonuses at 100% for any company that has received public money in a bailout.