Jun 28, 2024

Anybody Can Have a Bad Debate but not Prez Biden at this point. The Stakes are Very High.


You know it was a terrible night for Biden when almost anyone else--especial those on the deep Dem bench--could have done better on the debate even without any preparation. The contrast between the two candidates couldn't be greater but Joe failed to communicate that to 50 million voters who watched the debate. Granted, most had already made up their minds and won't change, but the uncommitted and all those who will get their news later were not convinced to vote for the president again.

My goodness, who prepped him? In his closing statement he didn't even mention abortion rights--one of the most important issues in this election! At times he fumbled, was incoherent, couldn't be heard, and the optics--oh, yes the optics everyone learned about the Nixon-Kennedy TV debate--were horrible. He looked very old and out of it.
Biden's handlers cannot spin this, I don't think. What was a whisper, now it's an open demand for Joe's withdrawal. I'm happy to see the "liberal media" reports what we all saw--unlike the faux news on the other side. The Dems must show that they have the guts to do the right thing, which will be another big contrast to the R party's eagerness to support a felon and the worst of the worst.
Joe must release his delegates--the sooner the better--and he can go into retirement on Jan. 20th, 2025 as the best president in my lifetime.
This is a similar situation like the RGB and the Supreme Court. She refused to step down after several serious health issues despite being on the court for a long while and being part of a progressive legacy. She made herself bigger than what was at stake. In the end, just before she died, she wished someone like her would replace her on the SCOTUS. He successor has been making sure that her legacy is being erased. Biden must realize that Trump CANNOT be president again and do what he can to prevent that. Believing sycophants or letting his ego guide him will likely prove to be disastrous.