May 30, 2024

GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS! An Al Capone moment for the Donald

Maybe this is an Al Capone moment, but there was (still is actually) a question about the US justice system has some modicum of equal justice. Since he declared his candidacy, Trump demeaned everyone he didn't like, including the institutions that hold our system together. Attacking the legitimacy of those who can check the unlawful, the crooks & liars is a known tactic in the authoritarian's play book.
In the same sense, Trump is running to destroy all those checks & balances.

Trump is now a convicted felon. We didn't need this verdict--on top of all the other verdicts (like sexual assault, business fraud, etc. etc)--to figure out who Trump is. But, we have to be asking this question every single day: Why should anyone vote for a convicted felon?

As to the punishment, any other person would be send to prison, had they violated 10 gag orders (many about personal attacks on judge, jurors, et al, intimidation, incitement, etc.), prior conduct, lack of remorse, recidivism, and obstruction of justice.

May 27, 2024

Have a Good Memorial Day and Don't Forget What it Means


    You mean, we're not celebrating "those losers" [as per Trump] on Memorial Day? What are we to make those veterans who support Trump? Or, the law & order people? Tsk.

    FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Army GENERAL H.R. McMaster, hired by Trump as his National Security Advisor: "[Trump's] failure to condemn white supremacy “gives space to these groups that foment hatred and intolerance.”
    FROM Dan Coats, hired by Trump as his Director of National Intelligence (two photos, sorry): "He doesn't know the difference between the truth and a lie."
    FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Navy Admiral William McCraven, Commander, US Special Operations, Seal Commander who took out Osama bin Laden and coordinated the capture of Sadaam Hussein: Trump's comments "may be the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime."
    FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ARMY GENERAL Barry McCaffrey. He received three Purple Heart medals for injuries sustained during his service in the Vietnam War, two Silver Stars, and two Distinguished Service Crosses—the second-highest United States Army award for valor. He was inducted into United States Army Ranger Hall of Fame at the United States Army Infantry Center :[Trump] "is a serious threat to USA national security."
    CIA Director Gina Haspel, Trump's CIA choice: Haspel said Trump's post-election behavior was 'insanity' and he was 'acting out like a 6-year-old with a tantrum."
    Of course there are dozen of others in the Trump administration who have revealed his dangerous incompetency. But, most Republicans don't have the integrity to oppose him. Even N. Haley's "totally unhinged" Trump is now better than Joe Biden's "catastrophe"... 

May 22, 2024

American Democracy in Crisis. Who's to Blaim?

So, did you hear that 1 in 5 Americans thinks that president Biden is responsible for the Supreme Court taking away women's constitutional right to abortion? So what about the other 4 in 5 Americans, you ask. Well, another 2 live in an alternative universe, where Trump won in 2020 and that he's being prosecuted by Biden's judges!

Most Americans believe the economy is bad, when economic indicators, like inflation, wages, unemployment show otherwise. Likewise with Americans believing there's a "carnage" out there (as Trump and Fox claim) when crime has fallen to historical low levels.

Yeah, everyone has opinions and nowadays this is also taken as reality in some circles. But, to have Supreme Court justices believing in non-reality and proudly displaying such opinions strikes at the core of the court's legitimacy and impartiality.

You guessed it, I'm talking about Alito and Thomas (I can't call them justices) whose conduct has been disgraceful and utterly corrupting of our judicial system. These canks who supported the insurrection, the Big Lie, and Xtian nationalism, and other crazy notions, didn't have the integrity to recuse themselves when relevant cases came to the SCOTUS. This crisis is further exaggerated by the intentional court delays that benefit Trump and further defraud American voters who should know where the Republican presidential nominee is a convicted felon before this critical election.

Yes, president Biden and his party, the reliable news media, and everyone in position to disseminate accurate information have an important task in this election, because campaigns rely on getting a party's base to come out and vote--they rarely change opinions to make people change their votes. They have to make connections between a candidate or a party and the voters. Biden and the Dems have a lot to be proud of in terms of actual and sequential public policies, but many Americans aren't aware of.

And, yes, the alternative--Trumpism and that Republican party--is NOT acceptable. Unfortunately, the so-called "liberal media" are too cautious and are falling back to the days of equal distance in order to appear fair and balanced. But the world and reality don't always exist at the mid point, like between the flat earthers and the sane ones.