May 30, 2024

GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS! An Al Capone moment for the Donald

Maybe this is an Al Capone moment, but there was (still is actually) a question about the US justice system has some modicum of equal justice. Since he declared his candidacy, Trump demeaned everyone he didn't like, including the institutions that hold our system together. Attacking the legitimacy of those who can check the unlawful, the crooks & liars is a known tactic in the authoritarian's play book.
In the same sense, Trump is running to destroy all those checks & balances.

Trump is now a convicted felon. We didn't need this verdict--on top of all the other verdicts (like sexual assault, business fraud, etc. etc)--to figure out who Trump is. But, we have to be asking this question every single day: Why should anyone vote for a convicted felon?

As to the punishment, any other person would be send to prison, had they violated 10 gag orders (many about personal attacks on judge, jurors, et al, intimidation, incitement, etc.), prior conduct, lack of remorse, recidivism, and obstruction of justice.