Jul 13, 2024

Trump Can't Play the Victim Card When He's Been Encouraging Political Violence All Along.


Let's NOT forget HOW we got to this point, while condemning the assassination attempt.

Political violence as an acceptable means has been repeatedly endorsed by Trump and many of his cohorts and supporters. Let's see if prez Biden says he loves the shooter, that there are "good people on both sides." Or whether the president can order to take Trump out..... Of course, this will be an "official act" as per SCOTUS. He can also pardon anyone, and can free the "hostages" ....those who may be arrested in taking Trump out.
Obviously, I am NOT serious about any official or unofficial act that uses violence to achieve a political goal. But those on the fascist right who have been using dehumanizing language and threats for revenge, and hunt Dems, and, and... must be held accountable. We, on the progressive side, would strike anyone off any list of potential leaders if they bragged about shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and be proud that they'd not lose any support... Tsk.
Actually I want Trump to be alive to experience another humiliating defeat [if the Dems get their act together and choose another prez candidate] in this election. I'm looking forward to enjoying watching Trump face justice in the months after the election. I'm enjoying how Trump's lawyer and buddy, Giuliani is going down.