Bush Offers Fig Leaf Cover to Gullible Elephants
I couldn't get myself to watch president Bush's speech, though I've read the transcript. I don't think he was trying to convince any independent voter nor he was addressing those who have serious doubts about his Iraq policy. He was talking to his own supporters, hard-core Republicans who want to believe and need a fig leaf cover to continue to do so. In this light, there isn't much else I can say about his speech, except that he kept repeating as facts things that are generally disputed by most of the world and the thinking public. For most of the time, his political base has supported his Iraq policy by a 90% margin. Today, it's down to 70%, which, still, is a hell of a crazy number if you ask me. It means that too many Americans are either not interested in the facts, or have no way of finding out--not surprising given the poor journalistic standards of the U.S. mainstream media.
I break from the progressive fold that holds Bush as a stupid man. He is not stupid. He is definitely not a person who leads an examined life, he's not an intellectual, nor he's interested in knowledge outside a narrow framework, but he's politically savvy, and knows the language appropriate to convince & motivate his political base. Of course, he seems to have a different perception of reality, but, again, he didn't try to appeal to us. We know that Iraq had no terrorists threatening the U.S. prior to the war; it does now. We know there were no WMDs; we know the lies around it. We know that the war was sold on falsehoods and outright deception. We know that our country has paid dearly (in blood sweat & tears with no end in sight), and that we are less safe today than before the Iraq invasion.
Bush added nothing new to our understanding of his policies. If we believed him, then he's learned the wrong lessons from 9-11. In the aftermath of that attack, the whole world was behind us. French newspapers, reflecting the general mood of the old continent, proclaimed, "We Are All Americans Now!" The U.S. had a golden opportunity to lead, to bring the world community together and collectively fight terrorism everywhere. Democracy would have had a better chance to advance if America hadn't invaded Iraq--an action that divided our friends and united our enemies. Bush managed to squander the world's good will towards us. And, if someone claims that this doesn't really matter, then I'll point out a gullible Republican to you.
A recent Pew Research Center poll showed that 62% of French, 59% of Germans, and 34% of Britons have a "very" or "somewhat" unfavorable opinion of the United States. In January 2005, a poll published by the BBC showed that 54% of French, 64% of Germans, and 50% of Britons consider the United States a "negative influence!" Within a year or so after 9-11, Bush managed to piss off the world support for us! And, these polls reflect what some our allies think about America!
We are not having a serious dialogue about the important issues facing our country today. The president isn't interested in talking seriously about what's going on, and the press isn't grilling him. The system of check & balances has atrophied since the Republicans rose to such power in D.C. Bills are passed without debate and without even the members of our Congress knowing what they're voting on. Well, almost. There are a few exceptions, like yesterday, when Congress voted to give itself another pay raise. You know, to keep up with inflation. Next year, they'll get $3,100 extra reaching a total of $165, 200. Meanwhile Congress has scoffed at raising the minimum wage, which, working full-time today, gives you a whopping $10,700 a year, and in real money, less than what it got you back in 1968.
Those who watched Bush's speech were 2 to 1 Republicans, and according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, some 46% had a "very positive" reaction to it. Good. Perhaps this group will heed Bush's appeal for further [disproportional]sacrifices. Did you notice his pitch for military service? Recruitment numbers are way down in all branches of the military. I hope the Bush twins listen to their father's call and enlist to fight the war their dad started. Both girls seem very fit for service. Surely they are at least as smart as any high school dropout sought by the military recruiters.