Nov 19, 2005

They Claim Stupidity When Everything Else Fails

When someone pleads stupidity you know that things are really bad. Should we take Dickey on his word, that Bushco did not intentionally mislead the nation into a costly war? In other words, should we accept that our leaders are a bunch of incompetent and stupid people who couldn't get the facts straight? That's exactly what the Vice is trying to argue today. Of course, if this is the case, then we have to throw in some generous dose of amnesia, because this is not what they were saying earlier. [check their record on Iraq here]

For my part, I'd like my elected representatives to tell me the truth and address me in a adult-like manner; I don't want baby talk, I can handle the truth, and, yes, I prefer making up my own mind. But, it goes both ways, I suppose. What does it say about us? If half of the eligible citizens remain apathetic and don't vote, and many of those who do vote don't exercise proper care in their civic duty, then we collectively get what we deserve. In the span of a year after re-electing Dubya, Americans suffer a buyer's remorse, but I really don't see what new evidence came up in the last year that contradicted the previous facts on which Americans based their decision on election day in 2004. Simply, they weren't paying much attention, because what we know today (although in more detail and quantity) isn't different from what we (those of us who cared to check) knew in the summer of 2004.

Perhaps, Dickey is trying to pull another fast one. He's used to speak from both sides of his mouth. In the early 90s, he was very critical of the idea that the US should go into Baghdad and commit troops there for an indefinite period. [1992 interview to BBC and other media]. In 2003, however, he was telling us that "there is no doubt that Saddam has reconstituted his nuclear weapons programs," and, "we know where they [WMDs] are." We remember the chorus line that sang us the "imminent threat," the "mushroom cloud," and the satanic alliance between AlQueda and Saddam's Iraq. And, no, those in Congress who voted for the war (under specific provisions that were ignored later by Bushco) did not have the same intelligence as the White House.

Another issue that really bothers me is the attitude of Bushco's cabal against those who criticize the failed policies of the administration. They all need a lesson in civics. You can't export democracy if you're attack it at home. Being critical is not unpatriotic; as a matter of fact it is our duty to question the rulers, especially if they have a track of intentionally misleading the nation. Knowing what's going on and being active in the affairs of our country is the duty of a patriot. Every citizen should try to prevent his country from doing terrible mistakes, and prevent it from being highjacked by the narrow special interests as expressed by those in power today. Dickey and Dubya must understand that "giving comfort to the enemy" doesn't come from internal criticism in a democratic society where the people are informed and engaged--this is what we do in a free society. This democracy is what others in non-free countries have been yearning for.

What gives comfort to our enemies is our torture policy, our imperial arrogance, our leaders' "achievement" to divide our friends and unite our enemies. Bushco has been godsend present to AlQueda as a recruitment instrument for terrorists. I'm sure that Osama Bin Laden voted for Bush. And, it wouldn't be far-fetched to argue that Bushco needs the devil who's out there ready to destroy America! All authoritarian and falling regimes need the external threat in order to distract and pass measures to the detriment of the majority of their people. If you're not familiar with George Orwell's 1984, I suggest you read the book! [the movie based on his book is rather good and available on dvd] In addition to the other themes, pay attention to the Newspeak--how the language is distorted.

Like Dubya tried to say a while ago (using Bushisms), "fooled me once, shame on me..." Being fooled is not fun, but what's worse is being fooled about important things, especially when there are easy steps to prevent the fraud. In a democracy there are corrective measures, though this doesn't mean there are no costs in making mistakes. However, we must learn from past mistakes, assume responsibility, but also make it very costly to those who deceive us. If we accept the stupidity plea then we should re-examine our heads and who is the actual fool... the one who's doing the pleading or the one who accepts it....