Why Summer is so Special...
The journeys (some real, some imaginary) of summers past were mostly great experiences.
The past year was the hottest on record, while the winter of 2006-2007 was the warmest. Maybe this doesn't mean anything other than New York becoming Florida in a few years, but I suppose it's good to know what the heck is going on, and whether it's good or bad. If it's bad--as the consensus of the scientific community says--then what can humans do to to help, especially if we are responsible for causing or adding to global warming. Scientists who don't work for the energy industry (or for BushCo) tell us that we are responsible. The earth might be doing its own thing, but we're the only modern species that have had such a great impact on the global environment since the industrial revolution.
But, this post is about the past. The personal past that resides in your memory cells. What was your early summers? What was so special about them? I think everyone has fond memories of summers while growing up. So, let's hear about your stories... [comments section open]
First, summer meant time off--not just a short break from school, but a long one when a kid could actually see himself/herself grow up, through experiences and even physically. I had more scrapes & bruises in the summer; they taught me to suck it up and deal with them, and they were usually badges of a good time. I had time to do stuff, to be myself. I had time! Yet, that elusive time flew by faster than anything else. After the 4th of July, it was like counting down, from freedom to bondage.
In the summer, I didn't have to answer questions like, "how's school going?" or, "what have you learned lately?"...
Did you happen to meet new people during this season? Chances are you did, like most of us. New friends, perhaps a new amore entered the picture. Did you have to say "goodbye" to that person in September? That sucked!
We are who we are partly because of our memories. That's why I tell my friends to create memories every day if possible. I mean, create something, experience something that you'd want to take with you in the future. And, when you look back, you can remember the many good things; it's wonderfully satisfying, don't you think? For me, it's the many little goodies that make a big difference in life; usually it's not the big (and rare) events that determine personal happiness.
So, do you think summer was special for you? Care to share?....
What happened? The comments section is open!... Good.
I like the summer, because things move slower (yes, even in the US), and despite the heat, you have to connect the summer with the outdoors.
I remember when I was a kid, I was sent to a real camp for one week. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to spend a week with strangers, and whathaveyou. Yet, in the end, I was sad I had to leave! It was such a great experience, and I thank my parents for forcing me to do this.
Actually, I admit, most of the things my parents made me do were good for me, and looking back today, I'm nostalgic of those days.
Do we give special meaning to those events & memories not because of what they did for us, but because they represent a part of our life? Our youth?...
My family used to go to our summer cottage (more like a shack really). It was OK, but I found it boring. My problem was that I had to leave my good friends behind. So for me it was more like, "See you in September"....
However, I don't regret the time I spend with my family. Of course, at different stages of one's life, we see different things. As a kid I wanted more activity in the summer, but now I'd love to have a couple weeks off, doing almost nothing.
Let's hope that our children can enjoy the seasons like we did.
Even if it wasn't for global warming, any reasonable person could see that humans have had a huge impact on the environment. Being so many of us, and with rapid industrialization, the harm is enormous. Look at all the pollution, in the air, in the ground, and in the water.
One of my memorable summers involved learning to swim, though I enjoyed more the fun associated by being in and around the water.
Summer is too hot for me. I used to be out lots more when I was a kid, and I'd get a great tan, but I'm not used to it anymore. WHat a great invention the AC is!
I prefer somewhere cool in the summer and somewhere warm in the winter. I like autumn and spring where I am, but during the other 2 seasons I feel I want to go away.
Often we don't know a good thing we've got until it's over. Almost every adult thinks of their childhood as a good place, much less stressful than the "real" life, but when you're a kid you most definitely don't see it that way.
On the other hand, as a kid you don't have many experiences to compare, and for you dealing with all the pressures & demands of adolescence is alot.
You made me reflect on my years past, thank you. It was during a summer that I discovered many things dear to me.... (some of them private that, I'm sorry, I can't share in this public forum).
Wishing you all a great summer. Yes, there are at least 4-5 weeks, if not more, of summer! Enjoy!
I remember my first time I got to go away on my own (well, with friends) as a teenager! OK, I'm sure my parents wouldn't approve of some of my activities, but I think I turned out OK.
Με αναμνήσεις των παιδικών μου καλοκαιριών ξεκίνησα το blog «Μνήμες» ένα χρονο πριν, ζωντας ένα πολύ δυσκολο καλοκαίρι χωρίς προοπτική διακοπών. (http://xarak.blogspot.com/2007/01/blog-post_28.html)
Κι έπειτα ήρθαν τα καλοκαίρια της εφηβείας ,γεμάτα νεανικούς έρωτες που έσβηναν με τις σταγόνες της πρώτης φθινοπωρινής βροχής.
Ομορφο υπόλοιπο καλοκαιριού εύχομαι να περάσεις! :)
Even as a teen, I always worked in the summer, but I still loved it! I liked the heat. I still do. I remember the endless possibility of the summer-- being outside and being able to do whatever I wanted outside. The vastness of the outdoors. I loved it. I have always loved the summer.
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